Saturday, January 31, 2015

The making of our Student Video Project, part 1: Tongue Twisters

How does a pronunciation activity morph into a class project for a short film? Every trimester our Conversation Class students develop an original script for either a radio show or short film, which they practice and act out themselves. The material for the this audio-visual project is taken from the topics and activities that they have worked on in class throughout the semester. 

This trimester our Conversation Class students decided to do a three part short film film. Part one and two are focused on mastering some very tough pronunciation by reciting tongue-twisters. Part two was a student hosted quiz show which includes vocabulary, grammar and listening comprehension trivia from topics seen throughout the course.

Last week students saw the the tongue-twisters that they would be reciting for the first time, and trust me, they weren't the easiest. They decided to do a short performance of this one:
"A tree-toad loved a she-toad
who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree-toad,
but a three-toad toad was she.
The two-toed tree-toad tried to win
the three-toed she toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree-toad loved the ground
that the three toed tree-toad trod.
But the two-toad tree-toad tried in vain;
he couldn't please her whim.
From her tree-toad bower,
with her tree-toad power,
the she-toad vetoed him."

Bea, Cristina and Elvira (from left to right) with their first encounter tackling this tough tongue-twister.  Luckily their pronunciation was even better than their drawing!

The girls split the tongue-twister into three parts, practiced and memorized it. This week we filmed their short performance as the opening scene of the video project. 

Stay tuned for more information about part two of the video project and for the finished product.


  1. Hi! Today's class was fun!Here I show you the song that helped me to learn the tongue-twister... quite scary but it helped! ;)

    1. Yes! It was really funny! We enjoyed a lot in spite of the camera was recording! ;)

    2. Wow Elvira, that video is absolutely strange. But hey, whatever works! Great job on your performance today and glad you enjoyed it : )

    3. Cristina, you guys did wonderfully despite the imposing bright lights! The "power pose" we practiced did wonders. CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done AND your big win!

  2. This final activity was really fun. We fought against our shame, nerves and twiters...and we finally did it, guys!

    I'll remember it as a very good experiencie, thaaaaaaank you to all! :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Bea! I´m happy you enjoyed the video project and the class. You all did an excellent job this trimester to improve your oral expression skills were especially brave when facing the camera, which is never easy, but especially not in a second language. We are also lucky to have such cool camera equipment and cameramen at Ondas which I think helped everyone to feel at ease. Well, that and your power pose! Bravo to you and all your classmates!


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