Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays: Digital Nativity and 3rd Conditional

What would the Nativity have been like if it had taken place during the digital age? 
How would word spread? 
What would be different? 
What would stay the same? 
Check out this video and then discuss. 

Using the 3rd conditional, come up with some sentences to describe what would have happened if JC had been born in the XXI century.

A reminder about the 3rd Conditional:
  • It is used to talk about a hypothetical situation which is impossible at present. 
Last week you bought a lottery ticket. But you did not win.

Past PerfectWOULD HAVE + Past Participle
IfI had won the lotteryI would have bought a car.

And just to spread a little Christmas joy, here is a video gift from my hometown. I love LA people!

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