Watch this video about procrastination.
How would you define procrastination?
In what ways do you procrastinate?
In pairs, come up with your Top 7 tips for beating procrastination using should and shouldn’t.
Now compare your answers with these Top 7 Tips from Kieran Donaghy´s website, Film English.
Conspiracy Theories
What are some of the most famous conspiracy theories? Do you think that they have some truth to them?
In books like Brave New World and 1984 and movies like ike Brazil or Clockwork Orange the authors theorize about future societies, government conspiracies and conspiracies related to social control. Watch the trailer from Brazil and discuss the following questions as a class:
- Which popular conspiracy theories are shown in the trailer?
- Do you think that some of the predictions the authors made in the 1940´s have come true and, if so, to what extent?